Scripture Journal Tutorial: Part 3- Studying by Topics

This is the last of the Scripture Journaling series.  I hope it inspired you as much as it did me.

There are 2 ways to do a Topics Scripture Journal. You can either pick topics beforehand and list them alphabetically and then fill the appropriate page out when you study, or you can gather topics as you do your chapter studies. To do the latter:

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Scripture Journal Tutorial: Part 2- Studying By Chapters

Here is the 2nd part for Scripture Journaling…

As I mentioned before, I have two journals- one that is a chapter by chapter study, and the other is for Topic based study. Each of my journals has a table of contents that is blank so I can fill it in as I go along.

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Scripture Journals Tutorial: Part 1

I have been looking for an inspirational way to study scriptures and found this post.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.  This is the 1st post of 3 posts…

This is a series of posts that I am sooo excited to share with you. I feel very passionate about it because it has CHANGED MY LIFE. I recently came across the idea of making scripture journals from Shannon at The Red Headed Hostess blog and I have spent the last few months creating my own through trial and error. I want to share with you what I’ve done in hopes of helping you feel enthusiastic and excited about studying scriptures. It’s no longer a chore for me. It’s my favorite part of my day and I want it to be yours too.
It doesn’t matter what religion you are. If you study the Bible, Book of Mormon, or any scripture you can apply this idea to your studying. The best part about this is that you can be as simple, straightforward, and logical as you want, or you can get as artsy and creative as you want. Wherever you are in the crafty spectrum and have time and patience for YOU CAN DO THIS. The important thing to remember is to make this yours. Do what works for you.

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Scriptures: Gospel ABC Book

Gospel ABC Book 4 x 6 size

Help your children learn their ABC’s while staying quiet in church.

Gospel_ABC_book_photos_3 Gospel_ABC_book_photos


To Create this book click here